Forwarding events from Windows eventlog collector's "Forwarded Events" to Sumo

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Hi All,

Checking to see if anyone has run into this.  I have a windows eventlog collector, with a subscription setup to move specific security audit events to the "Forwarded Events" log.  From there, I am looking to push those logs to Sumologic.  Unfortunately Sumo's collector does not handle this well due to the out of sequence EventRecordID of the various events coming from multiple desktops/servers we're collecting from.


I'm trying to take advantage of Sumo's native Windows eventlog parser, however the options for sending the eventlog data using NXlog send in the specific formats, syslog_snare, xml, json, etc.  Is there a configuration i can use which send the messages as windows eventlog format?  You'll see from my config below, I've tried several formats, to no avail.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

<Input eventlog>
    Module      im_msvistalog
     <Query Id="0"> 
        <Select Path="ForwardedEvents">*</Select>

<Output out>
    Module      om_tcp
    Host        10.x.x.x
    Port        514
#    Exec       to_xml();
       Exec to_syslog_snare();
#    Exec $raw_event = replace($raw_event, "\r\n"," ");
#    Exec $raw_event = replace($raw_event, "\t", " ");
#    Exec    $raw_event();

<Route 1>
# Path in => out
 Path eventlog, internal => out

Thanks in advance,
