im_dbi : is working ?
Is somebody has got an experience of im_dbi ?
I tried this example but /tmp/output is filled of blank char ? I checked nxlog log at starting, everything is OK. Driver mysql has been installed correcly
<Input dbi>
Module im_dbi
Driver mysql
Option host
Option username mysql
Option password mysql
Option dbname logdb
SQL SELECT id, facility, severity, hostname,
timestamp, application, message
FROM log
<Output file> Module om_file File "tmp/output" </Output>
<Route dbi_to_file> Path dbi => file </Route>
Hi iCirco,
It appears that your configuration is correct, provided that your MySQL database has that schema. I'd recommend testing the query
SELECT id, facility, severity, hostname, timestamp, application, message FROM log
directly against your MySQL server with a MySQL client to verify it returns some results. Once we're able to verify that query does in fact return results we can further troubleshoot from there.