
#1 bklier

Since om_ssl has an option 'OutputType' to send GELF logs over ssl connections this seems to be missing in om_http.

Is there any chance to add this in the future, since sending logs over http adds an extra layer of safety because of the acknowledgement after receiving a log entry.

#2 adm Nxlog ✓
#1 bklier
Since om_ssl has an option 'OutputType' to send GELF logs over ssl connections this seems to be missing in om_http. Is there any chance to add this in the future, since sending logs over http adds an extra layer of safety because of the acknowledgement after receiving a log entry.

I think you can already do this using to_json(). Just need to call rename_field() on some fields so that the names are in line with the GELF spec.

Note that om_http will send one event per request and this will severly limit throughput.  GELF_TCP is available in nxlog-ce-2.9.1347.