NXLog Docs

Release notes

NXLog Manager 5.7.5961

Release date

21 February 2024


Known issues
  • With NXLog Manager 5.7.5954 an inconsistency in the database could develop that would prevent the template tab from opening with a 500 level error. For resolution, perform the following steps:

    • Install NXLog Manager 5.7.5961.

    • Stop the NXLog Manager service : systemctl stop nxlog-manager.

    • Navigate to /opt/nxlog-manager/db_init/bugfix.

    • Issue the following command : mysql -u root -p nxlog-manager5 < bugfix_to_4314.sql.

    • Start the NXLog Manager service : systemctl start nxlog-manager.

  • Some CSS styling and images are missing in the embedded help. The online User Guide is not affected.

NXLog Manager 5.6

Release date

20 February 2022

  • Updated Java heap settings for JVM_OPTS.

    Please merge changes from the new /opt/nxlog-manager/conf/nxlog-manager.conf into your existing configuration if you have previously made changes. The updated changes would be in .rpmnew for RPM-based systems and .dpkg-dist for DEB-based systems.

  • Replaced log4j with logback.

    The new implementation uses /opt/nxlog-manager/conf/logback.xml instead of /opt/nxlog-manager/conf/log4j.xml. The existing log configuration file will be left in place on upgrade allowing you to merge any changes.

  • Added trace/monitor logging.

    For versions below 5.6.5633, changes will need to be merged into /opt/nxlog-manager/conf/nxlog-manager.conf and /opt/nxlog-manager/conf/log4j.xml if there are existing changes. For versions above 5.6.5633, changes will need to be merged into /opt/nxlog-manager/conf/nxlog-manager.conf and /opt/nxlog-manager/conf/logback.xml if there are existing changes.

Known issues
  • Bulk certificate export using Export PKCS#12 button and API fails to provide valid files. PKCS#12 export using Export button works as expected.

  • Sorting order for some table columns is currently ignored (Address, Log level, Port columns).

  • Some CSS styling and images are missing in the embedded help. The online User Guide is not affected.

NXLog Manager 5.5

Release date

3 April 2020

  • Automatic generation of a self-signed certificate and server key for the web UI. The key and certificate are generated in the post-install phase and require OpenSSL.

  • SSL is now enabled for the web UI by default on port 9443.

  • Ceased support for init V startup in favor of systemd unit files.

  • All JVM-related settings have been moved to /opt/nxlog-manager/conf/nxlog-manager.conf.

Known issues
  • It is currently possible to delete an active certificate. Please use caution when deleting certificates.

  • Rudimentary Java checks that were part of the system V init script have not been migrated for systemd. Please ensure a compatible JRE (1.8 or 1.7) is installed and set as the default.