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nxlog dropping UDP packets
This is less a question and more of an observation. I am currently running nxlog 4.1.4016 on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS in a vmware environment. Say I boot the VM up and the nxlog service kicks off correctly and works as intended ultimately writing to a network share that I have mounted. If I do a "sudo systemctl restart nxlog.service" or even "./nxlog -r" in order to reload nxlog with a slightly modified config file, UDP packet receive errors and UDP receive buffer errors start climbing from 0 like crazy (netstat -suna). A reboot of the VM from this state does not even fix the issue, the errors immediately appear. In order to fix the issue, I had to purge the nxlog install and do a reinstall in order to prevent any further issues. My config consists of listening for UDP on 2 ports, going through a memory buffer, and writing to the mounted share.

manoj.muthukumaran created
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fixed UDP host?
Hi, i am using the nxlog-ce-2.9.1716-1_rhel7.x86_64.rpm and i have the following conf <Output graylogout> Module om_udp Host Port 12201 OutputType GELF </Output> If i do "host" -> It returns 2 IP in different order $>host X.X.X.X Y.Y.Y.Y $>host Y.Y.Y.Y X.X.X.X But nxlog always send messages to only one host (X.X.X.X). Does nxlog do a DNS request once? if is that the case, how do i balance the traffic?

alexjck created
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