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NXLog failing on log rotation
I am trying to rotate a log file in the Output module. Here is my configuration below: Easier on the eyes (pastebin) ######################################## # Global directives # ######################################## User nxlog Group nxlog LogFile /var/log/nxlog/nxlog.log LogLevel INFO #SuppressRepeatingLogs FALSE define WINLOG /logserv/collections/windows-collector/windows-collector-log.log ######################################## # Modules # ######################################## <Extension fileop> Module xm_fileop </Extension> <Extension _syslog> Module xm_syslog </Extension> <Input windows-collector-log> module im_tcp host port 524 Exec parse_syslog(); Exec log_info("Severity Windows Collector: " + $SyslogSeverity + ", Hostname: " + $Hostname); </Input> <Output windows-collector-log-out> Module om_file CreateDir true File '%WINLOG%' <Schedule> Every 30 sec Exec if (file_size('%WINLOG%') >= 100M) file_cycle('%WINLOG%',500); </Schedule> </Output> <Route 5> Path windows-collector-log => windows-collector-log-out </Route>   I am getting an error saying that the file does not exist when the rotation is executed. 2015-08-19 13:22:23 ERROR failed to determine file size of '/logserv/collections/windows-collector/windows-collector-log.log': No such file or directory

chrisc created
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